import json
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode, urlsafe_b64encode
from hashlib import blake2b
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, AsyncIterable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from zlib import compressobj as deflate_obj
from zlib import decompress as inflate
import argon2
from msgpackr import Unpacker
from nacl.exceptions import CryptoError
from nacl.secret import SecretBox
from novelai_api.Keystore import Keystore
from novelai_api.Msgpackr_Extensions import Ext20, Ext30, Ext31, Ext40, Ext41, Ext42
from novelai_api.NovelAIError import NovelAIError
from novelai_api.Preset import Model, Preset
from novelai_api.python_utils import assert_type
from novelai_api.Tokenizer import Tokenizer
unpacker = Unpacker()
unpacker.register_extensions(Ext20, Ext30, Ext31, Ext40, Ext41, Ext42)
unpacker_state = unpacker.export_state()
# API utils
[docs]def argon_hash(email: str, password: str, size: int, domain: str) -> str:
pre_salt = f"{password[:6]}{email}{domain}"
# salt
blake = blake2b(digest_size=16)
salt = blake.digest()
raw = argon2.low_level.hash_secret_raw(
int(2000000 / 1024),
hashed = urlsafe_b64encode(raw).decode()
return hashed
[docs]def get_access_key(email: str, password: str) -> str:
assert_type(str, email=email, password=password)
return argon_hash(email, password, 64, "novelai_data_access_key")[:64]
[docs]def get_encryption_key(email: str, password: str) -> bytes:
assert_type(str, email=email, password=password)
pre_key = argon_hash(email, password, 128, "novelai_data_encryption_key").replace("=", "")
blake = blake2b(digest_size=32)
return blake.digest()
COMPRESSION_PREFIX = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01"
[docs]def decrypt_data(
data: Union[str, bytes], key: bytes, nonce: Optional[bytes] = None
) -> Union[Tuple[str, bytes, bool], Tuple[None, None, bool]]:
box = SecretBox(key)
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
data = data.encode()
# data is compressed
is_compressed = data.startswith(COMPRESSION_PREFIX)
if is_compressed:
data = data[len(COMPRESSION_PREFIX) :]
if nonce is None:
nonce = data[: box.NONCE_SIZE]
data = data[box.NONCE_SIZE :]
data = box.decrypt(data, nonce=nonce)
if is_compressed:
data = inflate(data, -MAX_WBITS)
return data.decode(), nonce, is_compressed
except CryptoError:
return None, None, False
[docs]def encrypt_data(
data: Union[str, bytes],
key: bytes,
nonce: Optional[bytes] = None,
is_compressed: bool = False,
) -> bytes:
box = SecretBox(key)
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
data = data.encode()
# NOTE: zlib results in different data than the library used by NAI, but they are fully compatible
if is_compressed:
deflater = deflate_obj(Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, wbits=-MAX_WBITS)
data = deflater.compress(data) + deflater.flush()
data = bytes(box.encrypt(data, nonce))
if is_compressed:
return data
# function injection to avoid circular import
if not hasattr(Keystore, "_encrypt_data"):
Keystore._encrypt_data = encrypt_data
if not hasattr(Keystore, "_decrypt_data"):
Keystore._decrypt_data = decrypt_data
[docs]def decompress_user_data(items: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]):
Decompress the data of each item in :ref: items
Doesn't decrypt, but does a b64 to UTF8 translation
if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
items = [items]
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if not isinstance(item, dict):
raise ValueError(f"Expected type 'dict' for item #{i} of 'items', got type '{type(item)}'")
if "data" not in item:
raise ValueError(f"Expected key 'data' in item #{i} of 'items'")
# skip already decompressed data
if item.get("decrypted"):
data = b64decode(item["data"])
is_compressed = data.startswith(COMPRESSION_PREFIX)
if is_compressed:
data = data[len(COMPRESSION_PREFIX) :]
data = inflate(data, -MAX_WBITS)
item["data"] = json.loads(data.decode())
item["decrypted"] = True # not decrypted, per se, but for genericity
item["compressed"] = is_compressed
except json.JSONDecodeError:
item["decrypted"] = False
[docs]def compress_user_data(items: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]):
Compress the data of each item in :ref: items
Doesn't encrypt, but does a UTF8 to b64 translation
Must have been decompressed by decompress_user_data()
if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
items = [items]
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if not isinstance(item, dict):
raise ValueError(f"Expected type 'dict' for item #{i} of 'items', got type '{type(item)}'")
if "data" not in item:
raise ValueError(f"Expected key 'data' in item #{i} of 'items'")
if "decrypted" in item:
if item["decrypted"]:
data = json.dumps(item["data"], separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=False).encode()
if "compressed" in item:
if item["compressed"]:
deflater = deflate_obj(Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, wbits=-MAX_WBITS)
data = deflater.compress(data) + deflater.flush()
del item["compressed"]
item["data"] = b64encode(data).decode()
del item["decrypted"]
[docs]def decrypt_user_data(
items: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]], keystore: Keystore, uncompress_document: bool = False
Decrypt the data of each item in :ref: items
If an item has already been decrypted, it won't be decrypted a second time
:param items: Item or list of items to decrypt
:param keystore: Keystore retrieved with the get_keystore method
:param uncompress_document: If True, the document will be decompressed
# 1 item
if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
items = [items]
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if not isinstance(item, dict):
raise ValueError(f"Expected type 'dict' for item #{i} of 'items', got type '{type(item)}'")
if item.get("decrypted"):
if "data" not in item:
raise ValueError(f"Expected key 'data' in item #{i} of 'items'")
if "meta" not in item:
raise ValueError(f"Expected key 'meta' in item #{i} of 'items'")
meta = item["meta"]
if meta not in keystore:
raise NovelAIError(
f"Meta of item #{i} ({meta}) missing from keystore (id: {item.get('id', '<UNKNOWN>')})",
key = keystore[meta]
data, nonce, is_compressed = decrypt_data(b64decode(item["data"]), key)
if data is not None:
data = json.loads(data)
item["data"] = data
item["nonce"] = nonce
item["decrypted"] = True
item["compressed"] = is_compressed
document = data.get("document")
if uncompress_document and isinstance(document, str):
data["document"] = unpacker.unpack(b64decode(document))
except json.JSONDecodeError:
item["decrypted"] = False
[docs]def encrypt_user_data(items: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]], keystore: Keystore):
Encrypt the data of each item in :ref: items
If an item has already been encrypted, it won't be encrypted a second time
Must have been decrypted by decrypt_user_data()
:param items: Item or list of items to encrypt
:param keystore: Keystore retrieved with the get_keystore method
# 1 item
if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
items = [items]
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if not isinstance(item, dict):
raise ValueError(f"Expected type 'dict' for item #{i} of 'items', got type '{type(item)}'")
if "decrypted" in item:
if item["decrypted"]:
if "data" not in item:
raise ValueError(f"Expected key 'data' in item #{i} of 'items'")
if "meta" not in item:
raise ValueError(f"Expected key 'meta' in item #{i} of 'items'")
if "nonce" not in item:
raise ValueError(f"Expected key 'nonce' in item #{i} of 'items'")
if "compressed" not in item:
raise ValueError(f"Expected key 'compressed' in item #{i} of 'items'")
meta = item["meta"]
if meta not in keystore:
raise NovelAIError("<UNKNOWN>", -1, f"Meta of item #{i} ({meta}) missing from keystore")
key = keystore[meta]
data = json.dumps(item["data"], separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=False)
data = b64encode(encrypt_data(data, key, item["nonce"], item["compressed"])).decode()
item["data"] = data
del item["nonce"]
del item["compressed"]
del item["decrypted"]
[docs]def link_content_to_story(
stories: Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict[str, Any]]],
story_contents: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]],
Link the story content to each story in :ref: stories
if not isinstance(stories, (list, tuple)):
stories = [stories]
if not isinstance(story_contents, (list, tuple)):
story_contents = [story_contents]
story_contents = {content["id"]: content for content in story_contents}
for story in stories:
if story.get("decrypted"):
remote_id = story["data"].get("remoteStoryId")
if remote_id and remote_id in story_contents and story_contents[remote_id].get("decrypted"):
story["content"] = story_contents[remote_id]
[docs]def unlink_content_from_story(stories: Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict[str, Any]]]):
Remove the story content from each story in :ref: stories
if not isinstance(stories, (list, tuple)):
stories = [stories]
for story in stories:
if story.get("decrypted") and "content" in story:
[docs]def get_decrypted_user_data(items: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Filter out items that have not been decrypted
return [item for item in items if item.get("decrypted", False)]
[docs]def tokens_to_b64(tokens: Iterable[int], token_size: int = 2) -> str:
Encode a list of tokens into a base64 string that can be sent to the API
:param tokens: List of tokens to encode
:param token_size: Size of each token in bytes (Erato: 4, other models: 2)
:return: Base64 string representing the tokens
return b64encode(b"".join(t.to_bytes(token_size, "little") for t in tokens)).decode()
[docs]def b64_to_tokens(b64: str, token_size: int = 2) -> List[int]:
Decode a base64 string returned by the API into a list of tokens
:param b64: Base64 string to decode
:param token_size: Size of each token in bytes (Erato: 4, other models: 2)
:return: List of tokens decoded from the base64 string
b = b64decode(b64)
return [int.from_bytes(b[i : i + token_size], "little") for i in range(0, len(b), token_size)]
[docs]def tokenize_if_not(model: Model, o: Union[str, List[int]]) -> List[int]:
Tokenize the string if it is not already tokenized
:param model: Model to use for tokenization
:param o: String to tokenize or list of tokens
:return: List of tokens if 'o' is a string, 'o' otherwise
if isinstance(o, list):
return o
if not isinstance(o, str):
raise ValueError(f"Expected type 'str' for 'o', got type '{type(o)}'")
return Tokenizer.encode(model, o)
[docs]async def gather_asyncgenerator(agen: Union[AsyncGenerator[Any, None], AsyncIterable[Any]]) -> List[Any]:
Gather all the items of an async generator into a list
return [item async for item in agen]
# TODO: story tree builder